Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yo Ho Ho

For my first project I decided to make a skirt.  I hadn't been planning on doing anything for Halloween, but when my Ultimate Frisbee team (Undercover Pirate Socks) decided to all come in costume, I caught the dress-up bug. I first went to the fabric store and picked out a great black and white striped fabric - 2.5 yards. This number will become important later. I used the instructions for the circle skirt from dana-made-it.com and set to work.

My fabric.

The skirt is intended to be cut out of one large piece of fabric into a kind of donut shape. The old adage, measure twice, cut once, like so many of the things told to me over and over by my elders, went unheeded, and resulted some last-minute scrambling. I ended up not having enough fabric, and had to cut it into four separate panels, which I then sewed together.

Pieces sewed together.

At this point it was getting late and I was tired of taking photos, so I don't have any of putting on the elastic waistband.


This is the unhemmed skirt.  At this point I was tired and annoyed and went to bed without finishing it. I did finish the next day, though, somehow managing to make it more or less even all the way around.

The finished costume!

Things I would will do differently next time: measure properly, start the project before 8pm, use black thread on a black waistband instead of white thread. I'm not so good at sewing in a straight line yet.

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